HTTP Node security on IBM Cloud Node Red

I have NR running on IBM Cloud and have worked out continuous delivery and toolchain etc. I would like to have basic security for the Dashboard as descibed in the Security section of the Getting Started but there is no
The httpNodeAuth property in your settings.js file can be used to define a single username and password that will be allowed to access the routes.

Any advice appreciated

On IBM Cloud the file is bluemix_settings.js

Yes thanks I have seen that but where and what do I edit. I have this working on a pi but it only needs uncommenting and adding a user and bcrpyt password.

The files do look a little bit different, but hopefully you can see they both have a block that starts module.exports = {

Copy over the setting you want into that block - make sure it is comma separated from any previous or following setting.

Thanks it seems like a silly question when you see the answer:grinning:

please if you solved the issue can u screenshot the file

What have you tried?

You'll need to add an httpNodeAuth setting inside the module.exports block of your bluemix-settings.js file -

The details of what to use for the setting are documented here:

i copied the httpNodeAuth: {user:"xxxx",pass:"$2b$08$8TNd8W.YHbtlYQLccCAw8ejJPkT2DmE/LS37Qit0gY.qRm9.xQQHK"},
to bluemix_settings.js but didn't work

it only needed to stop the application and update thz bluemix-settings-js and re-deploy the application ( if anyone had the same issue as me) thank you.

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