Nodered on bluemix

have successfully password protected my node-red UI which is installed on my desktop. I am trying to do the same with the node-red UI on my IBM bluemix account.

I have read the relevant settings are located in the "bluemix-settings.js" file,

What's the code I need to put in there to password protect the UI?

@Sirhc when you first deployed Node-RED into IBM Cloud it would have taken you through a startup wizard that allows you to setup username/password for your instance. Did you go through that?

This section of the docs tells you how you can change the username/password used via environment variables -

thanks for the reply

The password you set during the startup wizard is only for the editor , not the ui dashboard?

For example when I post, the website doesn’t ask for a password even if it’s set at startup

Got it to work! You need to download the app from bluemix and add httpNodeAuth to the bluemix-settings.js file then push it back to bluemix.