Huemagic malfunction


I have problems with the Hugemagic node(s) (node-red-contrib-huemagic). I had some hue nodes running and it worked well. But now I have dicided to remove them, deleted all of these nodes in use, but I cannot remove them from the palette, because their are "in use". Than I deleted ALL flows (after backup) and their are still in use :smiley:
Anybody knows this problem and have a solution?

Kind regards,

When you do a deploy does it say you have some unused configuration nodes? There should be a link in the message.

No, there is no error message when I deploy. In the Node-Red console occur every few seconds new error messages (EHOSTUNREACH) from these nodes, but I do not know where they come from, because there are none that I use.

Have you stopped/restarted node-red?

If it says 'in use' there should be in indication where they are in use in the flows

You can click to show the nodes.

You don‘t understand my problem. Please read my post again. @bakman2

@zenofmud Restarted several times.

He is not the only one who doesn't understand. You said that it still shows the node in use, so what do you see when you look in the palette?

@bakman2 The 12 in your and my sc says that the huemagic palette serves 12 hue nodes, not that 12 in use.
@Colin hue bridge 'in use' is wrong, because I deleted all of these nodes.

Then perhaps there is still a config node in use (for the bridge)

I deleted all flows/tabs. How can I delete the config node?

Configuration nodes tab. In the editor where there is a tab for debug, there is also a tab for config nodes

Screenshot 2020-06-06 at 13.04.45

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That's it. Thanks.

If there was an unused config node then you should have got the message in the deploy popup each time you deployed.

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