I have problems with the Hugemagic node(s) (node-red-contrib-huemagic). I had some hue nodes running and it worked well. But now I have dicided to remove them, deleted all of these nodes in use, but I cannot remove them from the palette, because their are "in use". Than I deleted ALL flows (after backup) and their are still in use
Anybody knows this problem and have a solution?
No, there is no error message when I deploy. In the Node-Red console occur every few seconds new error messages (EHOSTUNREACH) from these nodes, but I do not know where they come from, because there are none that I use.
@bakman2 The 12 in your and my sc says that the huemagic palette serves 12 hue nodes, not that 12 in use. @Colin hue bridge 'in use' is wrong, because I deleted all of these nodes.