I want to use modbus-write to receive string data

I want to use modbus-write to get data from a previous function. Numeric data can be displayed. But the string data cannot be displayed. What should I do next?


Delete every node from the beginning up to and including the join node.

Put one modbus read node to grab all 3 registers.

Pass that data into a buffer parser

Set 2 rows in the buffer parser:

  1. ASCII, offset 0, length 4
  2. Sint16be, offset 4, length 1

Coming out of the buffer parser, the payload should be an object with two entries.

Now for some background. Reading individual registers can lead to inconsistent data. It is also very inefficient for the network and the PLC.

See this article I did to help you better understand (5m read - well worth it)

What do I have to do to display the values ​​on the PLC?

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