If i add another image to svg graphics the first one will be deleted

cant add two image to svg graphics any solution ( it maybe about the expert mode)

Hi @bilel,
you will need to provide some more information, if you want people to be able to assist you.

i create this cellule with svg form if i add a ventilator the cellule will deleted automatecly

You need to add a LOT more detail here. Show the flow you are using, explain in detail what steps you have followed.

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cant add the image that i realised cause its svg form so ill try to explain , i need to create an animation interface so i need to import my image block by block to add an id for each one the problem is if i add only one block

There still isn't enough detail in your posts for anybody to be able to help you.

As I said before you need to include the flow you've tried, along with a clear detailed description of how it doesn't work and probably some examples of the input and output you are trying to achieve.

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