Improving connection visibility

This explanation for wire simplification will have to be picture heavy.

I've started using the 'inception' (movie reference) subflow idea to manage complicated wires.

So lets start at the top of the system dashboard tab.

Ignore the pass word hash check stuff Just Look at the wires and how every subflow is talking to each other.

Now we are going into the ethernet subflow. Here Ive used it to contain 2 subflows that need to talk to each other and the subflow above we just looked at.

Here we are in the ethernet DHCP section the bottom of this 'inception' style organization.
notice the outputs. Ive used them to talk organize the flow strings.

This method takes way more time to setup upfront. But when you have to come back to edit stuff Its EZ-er. Try not to build monolithic all in one flow tab. Think about making subflows independent as possible.

Lastly - If I can afford the CPU and ram I like to break up as many things as I can when building. Optimization can come later at the end when you have a finalized version your ready to use. Spread it out and keep stuff simple in as many steps as your fingers can afford. Take the time to write yourself good comments you can understand later when you come back.

Good luck.....hope this helps someone.