I have started using the flux query language with 1.8 when I write new queries, to get the hang of it.
We have VictoriaMetrics on our watch list too.
It claims using 20x less memory than InfluxDB and running 10x faster. Here is a bench test.
Impressive performance!
I have managed to write data to InfluxDB 2.0 at a rate of 100 records per second, which is way above what I would normally require.
Ubuntu 21.04 64 bit on a Pi 3B.
No noticeable CPU or memory problems:
That's good news. Do you have a comparison to previous CPU & memory usage?
I read that you need to enable authentication in 2.0, which adds a small performance cost. In 1.8.x I could get away without this.
I think I will still wait until there is a 64bit-Raspian. I depend heavily on google and on users with more experience. Which means that I need to run the most common OS/tools stack.
This is a new installation, so nothing to compare with. To be fair, they do recommend a Pi 4B with 4GB for 64 bit Ubuntu. I think this is a viable solution for home use, for anyone who wants to start experimenting with InfluxDB 2.0. Bear in mind @Colin's comments above :