Inject dynamic variables in s7 nodes


I created a flow that read PLC data with the s7 library.
I would like to read the chamber configuration (ip, port, timeout and reading cycle) from a file and then inject those values in the s7 In node, rather than put them with hard code. I have read on the forum that is kind of possible using control s7 node, but I didn't really understand how to do it.

Here is a flow example (without reading file but just with an injection node) :

The PLC configuration would be set in a json file like this :

msg.payload = {
    "ACS": {
        "ip": "XX.XX.XX.XX",
        "port": 102,
        "reading_cycle": 10000,
        "timeout": 500
return msg;

And I would like to inject the values like this :

How could I handle this problem ?

Thank you for your help.

Long story short - not possible with current s7 nodes.
Only option is to use npm package nodes7.
Check this first:

My own examples:

There is an S7 package that supports runtime variable readings but I forget which one. Try some of the other contrib packages.