Install Node Red On Secure Server

Hi, I am Trying To install Node Red on a our customer Server Where they have assigned us a Windows Server with full internet access using proxy from internet Browser. But When we are installing node red it downloads registries from internet but it shows error like -" npm error network request to failed, reason:getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND IT team told us it is issue from Windows Not From Network Side because same link accessible from chrome.Please Support for this Issue.

Did you configure the proxy for NPM?
(NPM config set proxy / NPM config set https-proxy)

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No, I Haven't Tried this Because I Have no reference for that Insteed As Tries "netsh winhttp import proxy source=ie " To Copy Proxy from internet browser as per suggestions from microsoft forum.

I need to configure same from for npm which i have been using to access internet right?

Accessing internet via proxy for command line tools in windows is not as streamlined as it should be and it fully depends on the type of proxy but you could try setting https_proxy and other related env vars in your terminal BEFORE launching node-red

here is one such article: How to setup npm proxy settings behind proxy on Windows · GitHub

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