Install node-red on windows without NPM

Hello Forum, I would like to use node-red on a windows computer which bellongs to a company ( with network policies).. My problem is that the "npm install -g --unsafe-perm node-red" can't be performed because admin does not have full acces to the network..
How can I bring Node-red package locally on the machine and then start installation ?

if on a machine with internet and npm you execute:
npm init (to create your package.json) and then
"npm i node-red" (without the -g option) in a new folder, the local installation of node red will be performed in that folder.
Then with a usb or something like that you can move it around.

HI Nxito, thanks.
In this folder i have now a folder named node_modules and a package-lock.json file plus package.json. For the deployement , I copy the parent folder to the machine and then? How I use it?

to run node-red from that local file, you can access the node " / modules / .bin "folder, where node-red.cmd will be, if you run it directly a folder will be created in the user pc folder ,

but you can run it at the beginning of the folder using from your folder:
"node_modules / .bin / node-red.cmd" --userDir "DIR-TO-YOURFOLDER"

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Hello Nxito,
Is this trick also usable to transfert locally a node-red package? If yes,then how install this node in a local node-red instance?

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