Install Node-Red

What does the command
node -v show?

 node -v  ==>   -bash: node: command not found

I know, I was wrong... sorry about

sorry, now new image (OS 32bit lite; all update / full-upgrade)

after I entered this scipt:

bash <(curl -sL --nodered-version="3.1.9" --node20

I get the message again:

bash: /def/fd/63: No such file or directory

and nothing else!
... I don't know...

Why have you put --node20 on the end? I think nodejs 20 is not compatible with the hardware.

If you run the script again with --node18 it might sort it out, but it may be too late.

If that does not work, what does this command show?
which node

If I use this script, then I get the message: “/def/fd/63: no such file or directory”

You don't appear to have read my previous post fully.

Also what do these show?
which npm
apt policy nodejs

Having installed a non-working version of nodejs we need to work out how to remove it so that the script will work.

“which node” does not produce a message

the main problem is the message:
/dev/fd/63: no such file or directory

What do node -v show and apt policy nodejs

That is what we are trying to fix. I presumed that this is caused by the non-working version of node being run. Is that all that you see when you run it?

Please also post the contents of the node red install log /var/log/nodered-install.log after running the script.

yes, this I'm trying to fix

the problem, there is no evidence

in the Log-directory /var/log/, there are no such log-file

because the message "/dev/fg/63..." this comes immediately

Please answer the other questions. Many times you have not answered all the questions which is annoying.

I think @maxmueller50 probably put --node20 on his command line because that's what I suggested. (I have edited my post above to remove that CLI option)

I had previously suggested this for failure to install on a 32 bit Pi Zero, and it was marked as the solution.

Are you saying that the script gives no screen output whatsoever apart from that error message?
And that the file /var/log/nodered-install.log does not exist?

Precisely which version of RPiOS did you install on the Pi?

node -v: command not found

apt policy nodejs:

Candidate: 18.19.0+dfsg-6˜deb12u2+rpi1 500
500 bookworm/main armhf packages

---> yes this is right

RPiOS is Bookworm 32-bit light

OK, so it is nothing to do with nodejs as that is not installed at all, so we need to find what part is failing.

Run this command, it should output the install script to the terminal

curl -sL

If it does then run
it should just start a new bash shell, so will look as if it has done nothing. Then exit will return you to the original shell.

before I run this script with "sudo" on the beginning

without "sudo" the result will be: /dev/fd/63: Line 1: 404:: command not found

this is funny, because the directory /dev/fd/ shows "0 1 2 255" only, thats all

in the community I found this wording:

So the script works. Errors in shell scripting generally in form <shell>: <command user typed>: error message so the script being temporarily stored as /dev/fd/63 and runs, it just doesn't find what it needs.

I am finding it hard to understand exactly what is going on.
You don't answer all of our questions.
You keep mistyping the error message or omitting part of it.
You keep introducing new snippets of information like the above hint of using sudo.

I do not believe that the script is temporarily stored as /dev/fd/63.

That "file" is not a normal file but a special file created by the operating system when it is processing a redirection.
A simple example of a command:

pi@TestOS:~ $ date
Tue 20 Aug 11:05:02 BST 2024

And the same command with an invalid redirection:

pi@TestOS:~ $ <(date)
-bash: /dev/fd/63: Permission denied

Please run this command and show us what it outputs

bash <(echo whoami)

Not Raspberry Pi OS (Legacy, 32 bit) Lite?

You must not run the script with sudo.

Please try it broken down into steps like this:

curl -sL >nrscript
ls -l nrscript

show us the output. I would expect something very like this:

Now run

bash <./nrscript --nodered-version="3.1.9" --node18

Do you see this?

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Please excuse any misunderstandings, there were no intentions and I tried to answer all questions accordingly

now RPi OS Legacy, 32 bit Lite

output of the nrscript is equal!

but by running of this script I get a invalid option

Well I think we have established at least that your login is pi, the script runs and it does produce some output to the screen.

Now try this (it's the same but without the redirection)

bash ./nrscript --nodered-version="3.1.9" --node18

now I'm happy, thank you very much!!!