Install Node-Red

To clarify this, was the problem that you had installed a version of the OS that was not compatible with your hardware?

Don't think it can be that - it would just refuse to boot.

But we have not established a cause and IMHO my experiment with separating the download from the execution does not deserve to be marked as the solution.

The actual solution is to invest in a Pi Zero 2 W :grinning:

it's like that, with wrong OS, the RPi refuse to start (hanging by the 4-color-screen)

probably it was the OS - recommended to the -Legacy version

but I think it was the other spelling "bash ./nrscript...." without "<"

but now Node Red works as well and I'm happy
thank you all again!!!

It would be useful to see if the latest node-red works. It is easy to go back if it doesn't. To try it, run the script with nothing on the end, it will keep the current version of nodejs and install the latest node red.

OK - I ran the script again wit nothing on the end
during installation it was displayed:
-- node18 or --node20
it take 18.20.4 and npm 10.7.0
NR version is 3.1.9

NR now works correctly, because previously no messages were displayed in the debug column

was this the meaning?

Can you post the install log please?

please find the node-red-log in this txt file
node-red-log.txt (6 KB)

Are you sure that you did not have the --nodered-version parameter on the end of the script? I expected the command to upgrade node red to 4.0.2.

no, I just left out the last part ( --node18)
now I have specified the version in the script 4.0.2

here the results:

node-red-log.txt (7.9 KB)

I see this Warning! what I can do?
WARNING: apt does not have a stable CLI interface. Use with caution in scripts.

and a next WARNING:

Just ignore that one, we all get it several times per install.
Really it's target audience is the writer of the install script and I think he does use due caution.

Warn Encrypted credentials not found

Some nodes require secret details such as an email password, an API key etc.
They are stored in a file flows_cred.json rather than the normal flows file.
During the install you get the chance to enter an encryption key, but without it the file remains unencrypted.
It will work either encrypted or unencrypted.
If Node-red is running on a computer only you have access to, it does not matter. but if it's used by multiple people or (god forbid) you intend to access it over the internet you should encrypt the file, which you can do by means of settings.js.

And finally

Warning do not expose Node-red to the internet ...

No really, don't do it!
But if you must, there are several discussions in the forum about how, and of course the security section of the online documentation.

There was no need to specify the version, it would have installed the latest. That is what I meant when I said to run the script with nothing on the end.

thank you for this informations

I use NR with NodeRedRemont

this should be safe, I think

I was trying this script without any specifications but the script doesn't work, first, when I specified with -version"4.0.2"

what is that? A google search comes up with no you mean node-red-contrib-remote?

If so remember in the future to give the full name of a node.

Yes! node-red-contrib- remote
Sorry about!

There was something else wrong, the script does work on old Pis

It would be interesting to know why

Indeed, but unless you can repeat the fault and tell us exactly what you did to make it fail then we cannot investigate it.

it didn't matter if I mistakenly chose the wrong RPi type, the right OS:

  • in NodeRed/Dokumentation/GettingStartet/Running on Raspi Pi, with the script:
bash <(curl -sL

I get this Error: bash: /def/fd/63: No such file or directory

everything else was a result of numerous attempts to establish the right situation

The decisive factor was probably that the OS with user and password for "pi" users was already predefined when the OS image file was created, as well as operating using "sudo"

so the script:

ls -l nrscript```
are running, also the script:
```bash <./nrscript --nodered-version="3.1.9" --node18```

it didn't matter if I mistakenly chose the wrong RPi type, the right OS:

now I had created a new image (RPi 2B / OS 32.bit Leagacy Ligth) then used the mentioned link
in NodeRed/Dokumentation/GettingStartet/Running on Raspi Pi, with the script:

bash <(curl -sL

the installation is immediate and flawless

It is now very pointless to investigate this further, as the situation is no longer comprehensible