Hi All, posting on a personal capacity here, rather than with my FlowFuse/Dashboard hat on.
I was recently made aware of the ISS Mimic project by some old colleagues I used to work with at NASA, and thought it'd make a great Node-RED node, so, I built one: GitHub - joepavitt/node-red-iss-data-streamer: Node-RED node to subscribe to the Lightstreamer data feed from the International Space Station
There are a lot of data options, everything from waste water level to solar panel rotations. I put together an example Dashboard, which is included in the /examples
folder too:
Would love to see what people can put together with this, enjoy!
24 February 2025 12:16
I'm getting an error installing this:
Is this likely to be a transitory github error that will just go away?
Edit: about an hour later it installed OK.
How strange - can't say i've seen that, but everything is public and available that needs to be!
24 February 2025 13:47
I suspect it's an iffy WiFi connection, all good at github.
Double click the node, and then make sure you've selected some of the feeds you want data for in the node config.
26 February 2025 00:27
I don't see any feeds to select, and any change in the config results in @Giamma 's problem of "No feeds selected". I have to use ctrl z to undo to recover from this.
Just a tiny niggle:
I think the units are probably millimeters of mercury, not PSI - which would be a more comfortable 14.30 PSI
26 February 2025 03:13
I see the same thing when I try to select feed, but then I think 739 psi seems about right
I see the same; it tries to load some file it cannot find
26 February 2025 07:22
Yesterday I didn't reply thinking it was only my problem ....
Thanks all, sorry you're seeing the issues, Ill try and take a look tonight
Are any of you running via proxies or with different HTTP Admin endpoints out of interest?
I believe the issue is due to the scope name of the package not matching the scope URL (which is using Joe's GitHub name)
Vs @joepavitt/node-red-iss-data-streamer
height -= $(rows[i]).outerHeight(true);
var editorRow = $("#dialog-form>div#node-input-feeds-list");
editorRow.css("height", height + "px");
.treeList({ multi:true })
if (!dictionary) {
$.getJSON('resources/@joepavitt/node-red-iss-data-streamer/telemetry-dictionary.json', function(data) {
dictionary = data.map((d) => {
return {
label: d.Public_PUI,
checkbox: true,
sublabel: `${d.Category}`,
selected: node.feeds.includes(d.Public_PUI)
loadDataFeeds(this, dictionary);
Would be interesting to see if this package works when installed direct from GitHub instead of npm.
Could someone test using npm i joepavitt/node-red-iss-data-streamer
26 February 2025 09:13
Makes no difference for me.
Okay that's good believe it or not. I wasn't sure if the installation directory changed to @joepavitt GitHub name and suddenly the node started working (that would have been problematic for those who create nodes with a different username to the scope name of the package)
At a guess, this works on Joe's development machine running from source - the fix is probably too alter line 47 to match the npm scope name. Could you try that locally please? (You will need to restart node-red after changing this line)
26 February 2025 09:30
Yes, changing that line (and rebooting the Pi) gives me the massive list of feeds to pick from.
Well spotted @Steve-Mcl
I got my GitHub usernames and NPM usernames mixed up
1 Like
26 February 2025 09:50
There seems to be a lot of data arriving on that feed!
Is there a simple way to measure just how much? (My broadband is metered)
Yeah, that's why I've added the ability to toggle which feeds you subscribe to it's an incredible data source
Also, I verified that Airlock Pressure is definitely PSI