Invisible ghost nodes and wires

Got a freaky situation today. A flow runs fine, but noticed today a few wires, a node and the enveloping group was gone. But it still runs fine. The group is visible when using mouse to drag-select around where it should be. Checked out flows.json and it seems to include all the missing nodes. Can debug and it shows messages going through. The data is read and sent out as normal. When exporting and importing the flow, everything shows up (except one missing wire).

Node red version: 4.0.8.
Browsers: edge, firefox
Runs in docker on pi5.

This is how the flow looks like:

Source code:
ghost_flow.json (96.1 KB)

Any errors in the browser javascript console when you load the flows in the editor?

Forgot to check that unfortunately! Was able to recreate it on different machines, so didn't seem to matter which browser or machine was used.

The two nodes in question have a different z property to all of the other nodes.

When I import the flow, I get a new tab with all but those two nodes on. The two 'ghost' nodes are added to the tab I was on when I hit import.

Not entirely sure how they got in that state - but that's what has happened to them.

Thanks, it may have to do with the group. Or accidentally hitting a shortcut key if there is one to modify it?. Great tip, will investigate further. Z is used to identify tab / flow? But also for z-index?