Is it possible to dynamically change 'required' property for a dynamic property?

Is it possible to dynamically change 'required' property for a dynamic property?

What i mean is suppose you have 2 general purpose parameters on your node config editor that are sometimes required, sometimes not (depends on how other proprieties of the node are set)

        defaults: {
            name: { value: "" },
            parameter1: { value: "", required: *lookup_based_on_other_property*},
            parameter1Type: { value: "msg" },
            parameter2: { value: "", required: *lookup_based_on_other_property*},
            parameter2Type: { value: "msg" },

I have managed (kinda) by setting/resetting node._def.defaults.parameter1.required in oneditsave but when add a new node to the flow editor, the required property is set to the value set by the last node saved.

Additionally, are there any other events (like onAddToFlowEditor) available that may help in this regard?

Ok so I would ideally liked to have simply turned on/off the required property but i think i have a reasonable workaround in using validate...

    var myValidator = function(node,paramNo,v){
        var fn = node.selectedFunction;
        var parameterCount = fn && fn.parameters ? fn.parameters.length : 0;
        if(paramNo <= parameterCount){
            const p = fn.parameters[paramNo-1];
            if(p && p.required){
                return !!v;
        return true;

    RED.nodes.registerType('myNode', {
        defaults: {
            name: { value: "" },
            parameter1: { value: "", validate: function(v){
                return myValidator(this,1,v) ;
            parameter1Type: { value: "msg" },
            parameter2: { value: "", validate: function(v){
                 return myValidator(this,2,v) ;

However, although I get the orange triangle to tell me 1 or more parameters are invalid, I don't seem to get the typedInput marked as being invalid when I open the node editor?

The validator function is the right way to do it. Not sure why you aren't getting the highlight though.

As a workaround, you can set it manually. Check another field to see what CSS class gets applied when the field is invalid and do that manually in the validator.

That's just a guess by the way, I think it should work.