Is the alert window/dialog accessible form a config dialog?

I'm working on a custom node where I want the user to confirm an destructive action.

My question is the editors alert box available from a custom node config dialog an how:

I like to ask the user first to make sure that the erase button isn't hit by accident:

Here you go:

// Example usage for a modal dialog with buttons
   var myNotification = RED.notify("This is the message to display",{
       modal: true,
       fixed: true,
       // type: 'warning', // can be null, 'compact', 'success', 'warning', 'error'
       buttons: [
               text: RED._("common.label.cancel"),
               click: function(e) {
               text: RED._("common.label.ok"),
               click: function(e) {
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:+1: that will do the job!
Thank you for the fast response (on a Sunday)

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