Issue with Forked Node-RED Dashboard Installation: ENOENT Error on File Path

Hello everyone,

I’ve encountered an issue with a forked installation of the Node-RED Dashboard. After installing the dashboard from the forked repository, I’m facing an error that prevents it from loading correctly. Specifically, I receive the following error message:

Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat '/home/dhamo/.node-red/node_modules/@flowfuse/node-red-dashboard/dist/index.html'

  1. Has anyone else encountered this issue with forked installations of the Node-RED Dashboard?
  2. Is there a specific build process required to generate the dist folder for the dashboard in forked installations?
  3. Any suggestions on how to resolve the missing file issue?

I appreciate any guidance or troubleshooting tips you can provide. Thanks in advance!

It's all in the docs: Contributing | Node-RED Dashboard 2.0

Thanks,I will review it once again.

In particular

  1. Clone the repository locally
  2. Go into the node-red-dashboard folder (assuming that is where you cloned it to) and run npm install to install dependencies
  3. Run NODE_ENV=development npm run build to build a debug version, or npm run build to build without debug.
  4. Go into your .node-red folder and run npm install /path/to/node-red-dashboard.
  5. Restart node-red.

After editing the dashboard code you just need to re-run 3 and 5

  • I have problem while cloning the forked repo facing this issue how to fix
  • Can't able to clone at any path in home/dhamo/

In future please copy/paste rather than screenshot, where possible. If you had done so I would try that command to see if it is a network problem or a problem with your repository.

I think it is most likely a network problem of some sort, but it is certainly not anything to do with node red.

First search result of " RPC failed; curl 92 "

In most cases, increasing the buffer size will work.

git config http.postBuffer 524288000

It worked for me.

Use of

git config --global http.version HTTP/1.1

should be kept as a last option.