Issue with Hue Bridge locking up my Node-RED flows

Complete noob here. I'm using node-red on a headless MacBook pro (all the details about what versions I have installed are below). The problem is Node-RED runs great for a while and then I get this:

13 Apr 14:14:12 - [info] [hue-bridge:Philips hue] Initializing the bridge (…
13 Apr 14:14:13 - [info] [hue-bridge:Philips hue] Connected to bridge
13 Apr 14:14:14 - [info] [hue-bridge:Philips hue] Processing bridge resources…
13 Apr 14:14:14 - [info] [hue-bridge:Philips hue] Initial emit of resource states…
13 Apr 14:14:14 - [info] [hue-bridge:Philips hue] Keeping nodes up-to-date…
13 Apr 14:14:14 - [info] [hue-bridge:Philips hue] Subscribing to bridge events…
13 Apr 14:14:57 - [info] [hue-bridge:Philips hue] Error requesting info from the bridge. Reconnect in some secs. undefined

This will repeat several times, eventually stopping all of my flows related to Hue (which is basically all of them). Then my Hue devices simply stop responding and I have to restart Node-RED to get it going again. Sometimes everything will be fine for hours, sometimes only minutes. I can't find any rhyme or reason for that except that the more I test Hue Motion sensors on my flows the faster this happens. I've put debug nodes all over the place and currently I'm not seeing any errors popping up within Node-RED debug. What I so see is a "executing command" comment under the Hue node in question where the status usually is.


I'm using Hue Magic 4.2.2. And, if it matters, Hubitat with the newest platform. Although Hubitat isn't currently assigned to do anything with my Hue lights or sensors, I do have Advanced Hue Bridge Integration installed on HE.

Hue API 1.50.0 and I have no updates available.

13 Apr 00:26:08 - [info] Node-RED version: v2.2.2
13 Apr 00:26:08 - [info] Node.js version: v17.8.0
13 Apr 00:26:08 - [info] Darwin 20.6.0 x64 LE

Old-MacBook-Pro ~ % NPM -- version
npm: '8.5.5',
node: '17.8.0',
v8: '',
uv: '1.43.0',
zlib: '1.2.11',
brotli: '1.0.9',
ares: '1.18.1',
modules: '102',
nghttp2: '1.47.0',
napi: '8',
llhttp: '6.0.4',
openssl: '3.0.2+quic',
cldr: '40.0',
icu: '70.1',
tz: '2021a3',
unicode: '14.0',
ngtcp2: '0.1.0-DEV',
nghttp3: '0.1.0-DEV'

Node.js version: v17.8.0

Node-red recommends 14 and supports up to 16.
Perhaps incompatibilities exist in 17.x ?

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