JSONata ~> (transform) question

I'm trying to keep 'last_seen' values (milliseconds) about several devices in a global hash called 'last_seen' using MAC addresses as keys. e.g.:

    "11-22-33-44-55-66": {"last_seen": 0,"reported": false},
    "AABBCCDDEEFF": {"last_seen": 0,"reported": false}

Query works fine,


but how do I update values?

Tried a 'change' node with this

$globalContext('last_seen')~>|payload|{"last_seen": $millis()}|

but it doesn't work. What am I missing?

Must it be JSONata?

It is easily achieved in a function...

var mac_to_update = msg.payload;  //or where ever it comes from 
if(!mac_to_update) return msg;  //nothing to update!
var last_seen = global.get('last_seen') || {};  //get or create the global object
if(!last_seen[mac_to_update]) last_seen[mac_to_update] = {};  //handle empty/new mac
last_seen[mac_to_update].last_seen = Date.now();  //set last_seen 
global.set('last_seen',last_seen);  //store back in global
return msg;//return to next node

Thanks for your code!

I'd very much like it to be JSONata, yes - it's kinda made for this sort of thing. I'm just having a hard time wrapping my head around ~>


Here an example of how it can be done:

last_seen ~> | $lookup($,$$.new_value.MAC) | { "last_seen" : $millis(),
                                               "reported"  : $$.new_value.reported} |

So the input of this JSONata expression consists of:

  • new_value : specifying the MAC address that needs to be updated + new reported value.
  • last_seen : is the json string that must be updated.

The input I have used as example:

  "new_value": {
    "reported": true
  "last_seen": {
    "11-22-33-44-55-66": {
      "last_seen": 0,
      "reported": false
      "last_seen": 0,
      "reported": false

If this doesn't exactly do what you want then please share an example of the input and the expected output for that input.

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Or it can be done with the $merge function

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If you are having a hard time then whoever inherits the code (or yourself in a couple of years) will probably also have a hard time. That might be considered an argument for doing it in a more easy to understand way (such as a function node).

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True, but I'm building an MVP, so whoever has to deal with it can just ask me :wink:

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