I feel like I'm trying something really simple and I can't seem to find an answer anywhere.
I have a simple http request test and all I need it to do it take the request. modify the data and store the original request and the modified data to a file, then have a way to read that file back. I have everything working, but I can't get the original payload data. Please help Thanks
When I do that it causes my function node to no longer work. It seems like the payload object just disappears. That was the first thing I tried, I just can't get it to work
The http request will be changing payload - that is normal.
so if you function node still needs data you sent.
change to using backupPayload inside off it (as it will be the original payload) before the http request
When I look there the variable is updated to the new one. I think it's referencing it when I modify it. I'm definitely doing something wrong, but I can't find any good documentation on how to do it
I don't know what else to provide. I gave the flow. I gave the original payload. and I said I would like it to just include the original payload with what it's already returning. I don't know how to do that. and when I look at the req data in the body it is the modified data, not the original
Without examples of the Object return to the response and what Object should go to the file, I am guessing now as I don't really fully get what you are saying.
I'm sorry I don't know how to explain any better. I send a post with
{ "data": 0 } I need to modify data lets say I just need to add one to it. I need to save to a file
{ "data": 0 } (the original request) and { sourceSummary: 1(data +1), errorNumbers: "errorNumbers", missingNumbers: "missingNumbers" }