Hi All, I only recently started using Node Red (about a week ago) version 1.3.5 and have found ideal for needs. I installed it on a Raspberry Pi and so far everything wanted to use it for has worked, very impressed. I have a LG smart TV and noticed the Node Red has a LG set of nodes called “node-red-contrib-lgtv” so I installed them and tried sending a notification to my TV using the toast node which again worked first time, the only issue is that the notification only stayed on the screen 5 seconds, so easy to miss.
I noticed in some other ‘Home Automation’ software namely. ‘Home Assistant’ that it seem to have an option for a persistent notification, which I assume means that the notification stay on the screen until manually cancelled.
Does the Node Red LG interface have a method of creating a persistent notification?
Thanks in advance for any help you can give.