Linear gauge as another gauge option

Yeah :slight_smile: at post #17

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Hey @hotNipi

Just a stupid question probably but the values are always in black for me. I tried adding style="color:white" but that does nothing. I just use the dark theme in the setting and all the text is white except for this. but when I check the devtool I see that the values should be white but they appear as black.

Thanks for the code.

Ar you talking about the new ui_level widget or that old ui_template version?

I only tried this one. I will try the new one you linked me to. thank you :slight_smile:

You should have ui_template with styles in it somewhere I think

 #level-hor-value {
 font-size: 1.4em;
 #level-minmax {
 font-size: 60%;
 #level-3x3-stripe {
 fill: #404040;
 #level-ver-value {
 font-size: 1.8em;
 #chart-hour {
 font-size: 60%;
 #chart-stripe {
 fill: #404040;


Those should do the colors for you

Oh nice it works. Ty very much. I'm new in and I'm making my internship with this. Did you found some tutorials for making your own widgets? I want to make some myself for this project.
Again ty :slight_smile:

Well there is too many and different places to point the one out. But for all it stands on JavaScript, HTML, CSS. Tips and tricks for Node-RED related things you can find at
The learning curve starts with just with beginning to do something, find yourself in trouble, ask for help here in most friendly and supportive forum in the world and go on. Sure you can achieve your goals. It's just a matter of trying and not giving up.
Keep going. You've chosen the right path. :wink:

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