Link to particular dashboard/flow only

I am really new in node-red. I work on some mqtt handling and it works. I've created two different flows with different groups of buttons/sliders etc.
The question is: is it possible to have url to particular flow only, without possibility to switch to another? I don't need advanced user control, just share url with person I need to do it.

I am not sure I understand the question, but.....

When you see the dashboard (the graphics GUI) just use that URL.

You will also have to edit the dashboard settings in the edit screen and disable these two options.

Screenshot from 2024-06-03 13-26-11

That may be what you want.

I'm not sure.

As @Trying_to_learn says, you can hide the menus so that it is not obvious how to show other pages, however, the user could still access the other pages by using the url for other pages, which is easy to work out.

In the meantime I've found what I need
points to particular flows.

Just because it is kind of ringing alarm bells for me:

Who are these other people?
Where are they? On your LOCAL network or via the bigger web?

If the latter: DANGER!

that is what he suggested...

It's as much local as possible.
It's a very beginning of my homemade smarthome. It is controlled in few ways (including voice control for some functions).
In this particular case I wanted to create dashboard (in common sense, not node-red one) for my son to let him control his room's devices without tons of unnecessary functions. He has laptop, but it is about 100% of time on his desk, so he don't need control anything outside of the room when he is in the room - but even if he gain such possibility, there is no danger here. Turning lights off prank is not a danger.

As this a beginning, everything is completely cut between my own router ans ISP's modem. Maybe in the future I'll add some controls from outside - I will remember about security then.

Ok, so it is all local access.


But if you want to limit what your son can do:
Node-Red is not really designed for that.

It can be done - in theory - but it is a lot of work.

Well, if the person is up a ladder doing something and the lights go out and they fall off the ladder, it is not really funny either.

But I'm not going to get into that.

So you want to have a screen (or more) that control most other things and a screen for your son's room.
You want him to only access that screen.

Each screen has a password field.
Until you enter the correct password, ALL BUTTONS on that screen are disabled.
(That is a function/capability out of the box)

So unless you know the password the screen can't be used to do anything.
And - of course - you would have to log out of the screen when done.

If you are logged in to a page, there is NOTHING stopping your son logging in while you are logged in and doing things.

Food for thought.

Really, I don't need to prevent my son to use entire smarthome network. It's just for more comfort - to group what he really need on one screen.

It's quite possible that on same stage I will create my own service based on mqtt, or use another system, like home assistant.
As for now I need just a dashboard with buttons, splitted between rooms and in other ways (i.e. one window with all the lights etc). Using flows URLs, as I wrote above, is enough now.

Then the suggestion I said would be the best way to go.


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