Little Errors on Node-RED Library Site

I have published node-red-contrib-redplc-rpi-ads1x15.

First Error:
In is a table.
On npm and Github, the table is displayed correct.
But on Node-RED Library Site shows markdown code.
Is this a error on my table or on Node-RED Library Site ?

Second Error:
On my .htm file I use Node-Red Icon rpi.svg.
But on Node-RED Library Site shows:

Is there a problem with .svg files ?

Where is the rpi.svg file, I can't see it in your repo.

  • It's not listed as a node-RED stock icon
  • Not an icon listed in FA4.7
  • and there is no icon folder containing a custom icon

Try formatting the tables like this Basic writing and formatting syntax - GitHub Docs
I believe that the Flows library markdown does not like :|:
So try;

Input | Array-Index
------------ | -------------

instead of;


Thanks for your comment.

Where is the rpi.svg file, I can't see it in your repo.

  • It's not listed as a node-RED stock icon
  • Not an icon listed in FA4.7
  • and there is no icon folder containing a custom icon

rpi.svg is in Node-Red:

| :-- | is markdown table justify left,
| :-: | is markdown table justify center

You can't just use any icon location, please refer to the node-RED readme.

I'm aware of that, but as I've already said;

...and table justification does not appear to be listed as a supported syntax in the github markdown guide.

Ok, I make my own icons and don't use table column justification extended syntax. :yum:

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Thanks for highlighting the table formatting issue.

The problem with markdown not being a standard is there are lots of extended syntaxes and there are dozens of libraries that claim to do it all, but don't necessarily.

If you wanted to raise an issue on the flow library git repo, it would be a great first issue for someone interested in contributing. Otherwise, I'll get to it eventually myself.

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Agreed. GitHub flavoured markdown would be best for the flows library I think given its content.

However Commonmark seems to be the emerging standard and getting ever wider support.

I change node-red-contrib-redplc-rpi-ads1x15
Icon shown now ok, but I forget to remove the pipe character.
Ok, I wait for change the Markdown rendering engine.

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