I'm trying to POST http request to add flows automatically at run time
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "@/path/to/my/flow.json" http://localhost:1880/flows
However, in the browser, I get a prompt asking me to merge the incoming flow.
My question: Is it possible to suppress this dialog so that the flow can be silently added?
There is currently no way to prevent that message. We cannot have the editor silently reload the updated flows and lose all of the user's unsaved work in the editor.
The one improvement we could make is that if we are able to detect the update does not conflict with anything the user is doing in the editor, then apply the update in the background. We'd probably still want to provide the user with some sort of notification that something has changed, but that doesn't have to be a modal dialog.
I understand the "notification" part. But I'd love to skip the modal dialog part when the new flow is added to a blank sheet. I don't need to answer any questions at that point.