I want the node to store/queue messages.
If it gets a next command, it shows the next message.
If it gets a previous command, it shows the previous message. Wipe wipes the current message. Wipe ALL wipes all messages.
I guess the best place to start is to learn about arrays - https://www.w3schools.com/js/js_arrays.asp
and then the capabilities you have with them, index, push, pop, delete etc
Well that is a queue (which probably uses an array ) - so will be discarding things once they are sent so you can't go back - but yes I guess it may be possible to modify. As the readme says it is based off a flow I wrote that is in the flows library so that may also be useful (as it just uses normal nodes and a function block to do the smarts)
In JavaScript, a queue can be as simple as a list. Better known as an array.
There are JS functions to add/remove to/from the beginning/end of an array, you can look them up easily on the Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) which is the best reference for JS statements and functions.
So the data from a new msg would be added as a new entry to the end of an array (myarray.push(....)). You may wish to trim the array so that it doesn't grow infinitely and eventually run out of memory. You can do that by dropping the first entry of the array, there is a standard function for that (myarray.shift()).
You know the length of the array at any point because there is the myarray.length property. The first element is myarray[0].
To get the last but one element of an array, you can do myarray[myarray.length - 2] or myarray.slice(-2,-1) - you should be able to work out how to access other parts of the array from that.
Well, maybe you could use a FIFO for that, but since you want to access the previous values, the correct way is to play with arrays (as @TotallyInformation brilliantly described above)
I'm about to look at the other nodes I/we mentioned.
But this is what I have so far.
Strangely it doesn't work.
When I try to push data onto/into the array the index is never incremented.
var output = ""; // This is what returns the indexed value.
var i = 0;
let queue_array = [];
let index = context.get('SIZE') || 0;
if (msg.topic == "CONTROL")
// Stuff to be done with array.
if (msg.payload == "NEXT")
// Display next item
} else
if (msg.payload == "PREVIOUS")
// Display previous item
i = index - 1;
output = queue_array[i];
msg.payload = output
return msg;
} else
if (msg.payload == "WIPE")
// Delete this item
} else
if (msg.payload == "WIPE ALL")
// Wire the whole array
node.warn("saving data to array");
// This is where I hope the data is added to the array.
index = queue_array.length;
// This never gets above 1
node.warn("Index " + index);
//return msg;
var queue = flow.get("queue")
if (!Array.isArray(queue)){
queue = [];
}else if ( queue.length >= env.get("Buffer_Size") ){
flow.set("queue", queue);
msg.payload = queue;
return msg;
(physical line numbers)
line 1: Beyond me. But I'm guessing it is getting the queue.
line 4: Ok, if it isn't an array, make it an array.
line 6: Check if the length has changed. I'm not up to speed on env.get but kind of get it.
line 7: POP! That is usually for taking things OFF a stack. As opposed to PUSH.
But that's going back to my machine programming on the Z80. Anyway.
line 10: queue.unshift? Yeah, ok.
line 12: flow.set("queue",queue) Yeah. queue defined in line 10 - kind of.
Nah. Way beyond my skill set.
I'll play with it but it is all Greek to me.
I looked at the other node and it is nearly the same code and at first looks it is just as confusing.
I may try to work out where it is different and see if I can associate that as to being the opposite of what this is doing.
I see a starting index of 0 and an ending index of 3. Which seems good.
But if I subsequently inject another message to invoke another 3 writes to the array.....
0 - 3.
So, I am either still wiping the array or something else.
This is how I modified to code:
var output = ""; // This is what returns the indexed value.
var i = 0; // This is for steping through the lists.
//let queue_array = [];
var queue_array = flow.get("queue") // I'm guessing this checks if the array exists.
if (!Array.isArray(queue_array))
queue_array = [];
// Yeah, I am not using the `else` option here. Becuase I don't understand it.
let index = context.get('SIZE') || 0; // I hope this part works. (See below)
index = queue_array.length; // This should get the *length* of the array.
node.warn("Index " + index);
if (msg.topic == "CONTROL")
// Stuff to be done with array.
if (msg.payload == "NEXT")
// Display next item
} else
if (msg.payload == "PREVIOUS")
// Display previous item
i = index - 1;
output = queue_array[i];
msg.payload = output
return msg;
} else
if (msg.payload == "WIPE")
// Delete this item
} else
if (msg.payload == "WIPE ALL")
// Wire the whole array
node.warn("saving data to array");
queue_array.push("Message 1");
queue_array.push("Message 2");
queue_array.push("Message 3");
index = queue_array.length;
node.warn("Index " + index); // This shows me 3
context.set('pointer',index); // Save the value - for what ever reason.
context.set('SIZE',index); // This gets loaded next time (see above)
//return msg;
var queue_array = flow.get("queue") // I'm guessing this checks if the array exists.
if (!Array.isArray(queue_array))
queue_array = [];
That would only happen if it didn't exist.
(As per the FIFO flow)
That is all I can resolve as the test to see if it is an array.
The queue.pop( ) isn't covered in the link supplied about JS arrays. The only pop is for JS popup which is a popup message.
So that has thrown me a curve ball.
And as I said: I take pop as taking something off a stack/queue/what ever. and push is to put things on.
Yeah, ok. I need to learn the difference. But pop can't be a both way command - can it?
So unshift( ) is like a push but rather than putting at the end of the array, it puts it at the start. Hmmmmm......
googling " javascript array pop " should be within you by now...
but yes I see you have found unshift... push and pop work on the end of the array and unshift and shift work on the front. (and delete works anywhere)