I migrated must of my stuff to DB 2.0 and now - very late - I noticed that the chart will not be rendered when the page containing the chart is not opened. I guess that was a design decision but is there no way to come around ? I am now forced to store everything in files or databases (even more effort than the migration was).
Can you explain further please? Perhaps a gif or screenshots might help?
of course. I noticed that my chart starts drawing values only when the dashboard is opened. then I asked chat GPT telling me this behavior is coming along with DB 2.0. In the screenshot you can see the moment when I opened the page:
Doesn't the node's caching store the sent data? It needs to because otherwise a new connection will never get any of the existing data.
I am not sure. How can I see if node's caching store the sent data ?
i assume you were feeding values into the chart at all times (before the page was opened/selected) right?
If yes, then this might be a bug.
What happens if you switch away for 2 mins then switch back?
ok, that was clear explained. I think you could be right with your theory. I can test it with chart data tomorrow.
While we are talking I noticed a similar problem:
I ve play audio node with a sound when an new object appears in my alerts table (screenshot).
All sounds will be delayed and played in a row when re visiting the Dashboard again. The will not be played at the time when the play audio node gets the signal ("Alert Date" Screenshot)