Disclaimer: I haven't opened this as a bug on the Github repo because the problem itself probably resides on a custom piece of code which does not belong to node-red core.
I have a node-red instance running on Docker with some configurations adjusted on settings.js. One of those configurations is storageModule. Currently I am loading a custom script to store nodes/flows on MongoDB, like this:
storageModule: require("./mongostorage"),
This was working perfectly fine and it still does however when migrating to the stable release every status such as "Connected", "Disconnected" and so on, triggered from the node.status function started not showing.
I've made further diagnostics and found out it was due to the custom script on the storageModule. Still I don't get why this affects the node status.
Here's the things that I've already done:
- Checked the websocket /comms and it does indeed receive the node status change
"topic": "status/a9521f5c.976d3",
"data": {
"text": "node-red:common.status.connected",
"fill": "green",
"shape": "dot"
- Checked the /flows endpoint response
"flows": [
"id": "decf7810.775f68",
"type": "tab",
"label": "Flow 1",
"disabled": false,
"info": ""
"id": "918c58df.98b758",
"type": "mqtt-broker",
"z": "",
"name": "MQTT Broker",
"broker": "",
"port": "1883",
"clientid": "",
"usetls": false,
"compatmode": false,
"keepalive": "60",
"cleansession": true,
"birthTopic": "",
"birthQos": "0",
"birthPayload": "",
"closeTopic": "",
"closeQos": "0",
"closePayload": "",
"willTopic": "",
"willQos": "0",
"willPayload": ""
"id": "a9521f5c.976d3",
"type": "mqtt in",
"z": "decf7810.775f68",
"name": "",
"topic": "testtopic",
"qos": "2",
"datatype": "auto",
"broker": "918c58df.98b758",
"x": 323,
"y": 140,
"wires": [
"rev": "fea4b3c128ba5b2e1b7e1f4865b4bdc8"
It does receive an id with a9521f5c.976d3 which matches with the one received from the websocket.
I don't know where to go further, any hints?