Is there someone know how to integrate modbus node on a android phone ?
Thanks !
Is there someone know how to integrate modbus node on a android phone ?
Thanks !
Hi Jerem, welcome to the forum
Can you explain in more detail what you want to achieve please?
Hello Colin,
I have an App Redmobile and I want to know if with this app it's possible to have the modbus library for work with this protocol. Unfortunately I can't install it on my app or I'm has been to make it. I just want some help for this operation because i can't !
Sorry for my english !
Redmobile is not something the Node-RED project is involved with.
You would need to contact its author to ask how to add extra nodes - I do not think it lets you add nodes yourself... you can only use the nodes the app creator has built in.
great thank's knolleary ! I send a mail to the app creator !
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