I have a RPI4B connected via a switch to an IFM AL1341. I can not get the broker to communicate with each other.
I have tested mqtt operation with localhost:1883 sending hello world.
I have configured the mqtt in with and have not had any connection. in the flow I am pinging the IFM IO link block and recieve a packet so the network is working. Mqtt is confusing me with what is needed to get the communication going? I have a SA4100 connected to the IFM module reading Temperature.
Ok, so looking at the screen shot you have 4 nodes way at the top.
An inject node; an MQTT out node' an MQTT in node and a debug node.
Select them and export them and paste the code here.
Select - drag the mouse around/over them
Export - top right corner of the node-red edit screen the burger (3 bars) and select export
Copy to clip board
Paste here - sorry, I haven't got the words to explain how to do that.
But there is a button at the top of the window where you enter the text and it looks like: </>
Click it, paste the code.
I hope that helps.
Oh P.S.
Actually this node may be of more interest as the other two are connected.
Brokers do not (generally) communicate with each other. MQTT clients communicate with a broker. This excellent tutorial will tell you what you need to know about MQTT MQTT Essentials - All Core Concepts Explained
But it has been shown message sending has been established by the two nodes (4) at the top of the screen shot where a message is sent and received via MQTT.
I figured it out eventually. Im an Automation Engineer so in my mind the clients needed to be connected or reference each other somehow like a PLC and a Remote IO Node would interface with send receive messages.