Multiple values in bar chart

I'm struggling with making the transition from DB1 to DB 2. I'm trying to generate a bar chart for a single series similarly to what I was doing in DB 1. I've tried to go back to basics with a variation of the DB 2 examples and can't even get a value displayed. I know it's something obvious but sure can't get things to work. Any help would be appreciated!

Function node into chart:

msg = {
    "payload": [
            "category": "bar-1",
            "value": 34
            "category": "bar-1",
            "value": 17
return msg;

This is what I'm trying to replicate from DB1:

DB1 Chart

Hi, I'm the lead dev on Dashboard, thanks for your question. Only on my phone at the moment, but I actually can't see anything wrong with what you've constructed here.

I'll be able to get to my laptop within the hour, and I can take a proper look

Okay, so we definitely have some issues in the ui-chart node. A quick summary of the problems I can see:

Lack of Support


  • The Dashboard is requiring a refresh each time I send it data and only do a "Modified Nodes" deploy. This issue appears to have been opened a long time ago, and I completely missed it.
  • Giving the ui-chart a series of a static string causes unpredictable behaviour. I can't follow the logic atm of how it's deciding to plot what it is plotting.

While you are in there you might like to sort out Stale data not being weeded from chart · Issue #755 · FlowFuse/node-red-dashboard · GitHub too.

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Thank you Joe for the update. I'll stay tuned :slight_smile:

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