My nodered on docker is not triggering

I looked only but I cant seems to find much why my interval is not working as supposed to, maybe I am missing something or something goes to sleep?

I have an Inject node with repeat interval every 60 minutes, it queries a website and update data to my HA. It seems like it runs for few times then it stops after a day. I dont see anything in the logs about crashing or errors, if I re-deploy it works and then eventually stops again..

Is it something using NOdeRed with docker compose that I need to update?

It should work fine. Can you share your inject settings?

Also, have you put a debug on the output of the inject to work out whether it is actually triggering or whether the flow is blocked later?

I see now that inject actually seems to work, I was looking at the success counter from thye POST request and it seems to have increased since this morning.

Probably is whatever happens later in the Js function is not working fine. I willl try to debug and see what is wrong. Thanks!

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