[NEW FEATURES] node-red-contrib-random-event-generator (version 0.1.0)

Two changes have been made in how the random event generator is controlled.

Previously, the generator could only be toggled between its running and stopped states by a control message (msg.topic = controlTopic) with an arbitrary payload. Now it can now be started or stopped using control messages with appropriate payloads (startCmd and stopCmd), as defined by the user when the node is deployed. Other payloads will still toggle the state of the generator, providing backward compatibility with existing flows.

The new version will also accept a control message payload that is a number or boolean. These payloads are defined as strings in the node edit dialog, but if a boolean or number is received, it is converted to a string before being tested against the command definitions.

The README file and example flow have been updated to reflect these changes. Version 0.1.0 is intended to be backward compatible with the previous one, so users who do not want the new features should not need to upgrade. Please report bugs or leave suggestions here or on GitHub.

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