Hm - does that also apply to Node-RED and FlowFuse? I have the feeling that only things that FlowFuse wants to maintain are added to Node-RED, but that's just a feeling.
At least the last time I checked the PRs for NR there are quite a lot there that just seem to be in limbo. My personal example is exec with stdin which remains open, uncommented and in limbo even though I created the PR at the request of @dceejay. Crazy.
I have no problems if that PR gets rejected or something is missing or whatever - but there are no updates, no comments and no status on the PR - it's just sitting there gathering digital dust. So I'm left to assume what ....? Assume that FlowFuse drives the development of NR and what they want is what we get.
That's my personal assumption on having my PR become a limbo'lised digital-dust-gathering zombie PR modification. I don't imply that's the case for everyone nor that this personal assumption reflects the reality outside of my personal take on reality.
DISCLAIMER: This is one developers assumptions based on their experiences. Take this to be as a scientist derives a theory based on their observations - this is what I have done and my theory might will be incorrect.
I.e. don't flame me for presenting my POV which I know the majority here will disagree with.
EDIT: There are also others that write about the influence of corporations on open source software. So don't believe that this is limited to only "proprietary" software.