No debug output in side-bar. Tried lots, stuck, please help

What versions of node-red and nodejs

Are there any errors in the console of the browser?

Not sure How to tell because it is from IBM cloud. but from my browser it looks like V1.0.1

jQuery 3.4.1

jQuery UI 1.12.1

ACE 1.4.3

D3 3.0.3

I do see some errors in the console..
Paused on Exception
SyntaxError: ':hidden' is not a valid selector
​arguments: Arguments
​n: undefined
​t: ":hidden"
​​1: ":hidden"
​​length: 2

Hi @kabonker

the Debug messages arrive at the editor over a websocket connection. If that connection is disrupted at all, you won't get debug messages in the sidebar. But you'd also typically get a message across the top of the editor telling you it had lost connection to the server.

The normal cause of this issue is some sort of proxy or other networking "thing" between you browser and your node-red instance.

If you open up the developer tools in firefox, and look at the network requests, can you see a request on /comms - this is the websocket connection. Does it show any errors?

Bizarre it just sort of works and stops and works. I went to web console and picked networking, but did not see /comms I can see the requests going in and out. I was looking at the timing in ms. I get a positive message from node red like successfully injected timestamp. But no debug message. Maybe it is just some network latency time outs and the debug message fails to make it back to the browser today... ?

Is there a Client software version of the node editor for windows so I don't have to rely on the browser?

Thanks for your help today, but i gtg other items.. to look at.. I see if it happens on other days. Maybe it is just today.

I have a same problem when accessing from another computer in the same LAN.
Raspberry pi with docker installation.
Node-RED v1.0.4

With there is no payload in debug window.
But it works with http://raspberrypi:1880

Sorry to butt in so late in the thread.


Open the debug node to edit it.
Sorry, I forgot to tick it, but set the node as shown by the red highlights.

Tick the box that says node status (32 characters)

Save the changes, have an inject node, set it to inject some text like: hello

Deploy and press the button.

See if you see the text you entered below the debug node.

Just a thought.

hi i had the same issue... till i realized that the issue is not in the node red software but the ad blockers plugins . please disable all ad blockers for the site and the debug node will start showing. cheers

1 Like

I can confirm.
Check the Antivirus / Adware - protection and AdBlocks first. They block the request.

Would just like to mention that for me the issue is that I couldn't get debug output if reaching nodered from an external url (i.e. but I figured that I do get output if I reach nodered within my local network (ie http://myip:port)

I know I am late on this topic, and for what it is worth I had the same problem on firefox with:
Source map error: Error: request failed with status 404 Resource URL: Source Map URL:

But when I run on Vivaldi and Brave everything is ok and I receive the messages in debug, I believe there is an issue in Firefox because I am similar unexpected results on other web pages

Welcome to the forum @DAVLIND
It may well be due to an addon you have installed in Firefox. Try disabling them all.
It cannot be a fundamental issue with FF as very many people use that (including myself).

Hi @Colin you are correct about firefox as I have used firefox for the Node-Red I have running on the other server. I have tried disabling the add-ons and no difference, but in my experimenting I have found a page reload after the node-red (on the same pc) has been (re)started and the messages arrived on debug without an issue. If I stop and start node-red, and not refresh the FF page the messages for debug do not appear, but refresh the page and voilà the messages are ok. So I must have a cache issue with FF different to the chromium versions. Thanks for your suggestions.

Hello, I'm sorry to have to necro this topic but I got the exact same problem and all the possible solutions above have been tested without success.

I get no debug output in the sidebar, or the little thing bellow the node, but it does come after an hour or so, and sometimes it happens to work randomly while I'm not looking.

It's very random after what time it shows up.

I am working in Node-RED for months, it's nothing silly like having nodes filtered or not choosing the correct payload to show, there are many debug nodes in my flows that all stopped working for about 2 weeks now.

Now I noticed, that adding this:

  • it does not immediately show up. I just activated it, deployed, not showing the little square.

It's clearly deployed as there is no blue dot.

No console errors about this. Neither Terminal nor Browser. Does not work with any browser. Addons disabled. Adblock disabled.

Using a fresh install of Garuda Linux. Previously I was using Elementary OS (same problem there too). Everything is freshly installed.

Which version of nodejs, npm and node-red are you running ?

Node v14.18.3 (tried all up to 17 but switched to this one as it is recommended, trying to solve the problem)
NPM 6.14.15
Node-RED v2.1.6

Do you have any loops in your flow(s) ?
I think it might be better to open your own topic.

My flows are huge, quite hard to debug. Do you think there might be an endless loop somewhere by mistake? Could that be it? I'll check every inch of it.