Node not deleting entirely

I have a small flow running that I had previously being pushing some data to ubidots via the ubidots-out node. I have quit using ubidots so I deleted the node from my flow.

It no longer shows up in my flow anywhere, but seems to still be running in the background. I don't get any messages from it in the debug window, but I see a lot of logs in the command prompt related to this node getting connected, etc.

If I go to the pallette, it won't let me remove it since its 'in use'. I am not sure where it is in use or how to figure out to remove it altogether from my project.

can you direct me on which way to head?

You may need to take some screen shots and post them...

(I see someone else smarter than me is also now replying, so I'll leave what I said at that)

start with this?

It probably has a Configuration Node lurking in the background.

If you open the info sidebar and search for whatever node type is reported as "in use", you should find something in the config node section. Double click to open its edit dialog and delete it.

Thanks gentlemen!

This is what I see under configuration nodes (at least if I am going to the right place).

The ubidots node doesn't show up here.

What do you see if you Search (from menu or Ctrl-F) for ubidots.

If nothing then stop node-red and start it again in a terminal. Post the full console output here, including the errors you are seeing which should appear there.

Hi Colin,

This is what I get with a general search. It shows the Ubidots icon but nothing happens when I click or doubleclick on it.

I will try a stop and restart and see what happens. I hadn't tried that.

Sounds like there is a configuration node that still exists. In the left hand sidebar click the configuration tab and see if there is an unused node. If so delete it then try to remove the node.

After I restarted node red, this is what I got in the terminal.

I am no longer getting lots of ubidot connections logs in the terminal like I was before.

But it still shows as in-use in the palette.

I'm not sure what the "BAIL ON" line represents?
that might be related, but it mentions the ubidots_in node when the one that shows in use is the ubidot-out.

Do you mean the right hand? I don't see anything on the left hand sidebar such as configuration


I think we have been through looking for a config node earlier in the thread and it seems it isn't that.

If you open the flows file with a text editor and search for ubidots does it find it? Perhaps better to make of copy of the file first and look at that. Though hopefully you have been backing it up anyway. If it does find it then post that section of the file. When posting logs and similar then please copy/paste rather than screenshot. Use the </> button at the top of the forum entry window when pasting it in.

here is what I get when exporting current flow

This is what I get when exporting current flow.
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This is what I get when exporting all flows.
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        "z": "8eba06c2d561584a",
        "name": "Rhododendron SQlite",
        "func": "//compile msg to send to sqlite. add time in the first column. SqLite interprets \"current_timestamp and returns the correct time in the DB\"\n\nvar dbMsg = {\n \"topic\": \"INSERT INTO Rhododendron VALUES ( CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, \" + msg.payload[\"Pump 1 Amps\"] + \", \" + msg.payload[\"Pump 2 Amps\"] + \",  \" + msg.payload[\"Pump 1 Hours\"] + \",  \" + msg.payload[\"Pump 2 Hours\"] + \",  \" + msg.payload[\"Water Level\"] + \")\"\n}\nreturn dbMsg;\n",
        "outputs": 1,
        "noerr": 0,
        "initialize": "",
        "finalize": "",
        "libs": [],
        "x": 460,
        "y": 740,
        "wires": [
        "id": "a47db449e7205e14",
        "type": "comment",
        "z": "8eba06c2d561584a",
        "name": "disect the array coming via modbus",
        "info": "",
        "x": 420,
        "y": 120,
        "wires": []
        "id": "7c2956420f6f0c12",
        "type": "comment",
        "z": "8eba06c2d561584a",
        "name": "load information into msg.topic to send to Sqlite",
        "info": "",
        "x": 420,
        "y": 660,
        "wires": []

I'm not sure why there is a difference since I can only see one flow but its seems like the all flows has more information.

I have searched and can't find anything about "ubidot" in either of these files.

Sorry, my node red server is running in a proxmox VM at the moment, and I can't copy/paste from that terminal. I should have ssh'ed for you.

Try clearing the cache in your browser (using the menus) then refresh the node-red page and try again. Alternatively try a different browser or connect from a different computer.

that did it!

(You may want to mark the post that showed you the solution as the solution.
That way others can use it for help if they are stuck with a similar problem.)

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