This is what I get when exporting current flow.
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"name": "Rhododendron SQlite",
"func": "//compile msg to send to sqlite. add time in the first column. SqLite interprets \"current_timestamp and returns the correct time in the DB\"\n\nvar dbMsg = {\n \"topic\": \"INSERT INTO Rhododendron VALUES ( CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, \" + msg.payload[\"Pump 1 Amps\"] + \", \" + msg.payload[\"Pump 2 Amps\"] + \", \" + msg.payload[\"Pump 1 Hours\"] + \", \" + msg.payload[\"Pump 2 Hours\"] + \", \" + msg.payload[\"Water Level\"] + \")\"\n}\nreturn dbMsg;\n",
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This is what I get when exporting all flows.
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"name": "get the data we want",
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"finalize": "",
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"id": "6d26aef86a598ff8",
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"z": "8eba06c2d561584a",
"name": "reset local dashboard graph",
"props": [
"p": "payload"
"p": "topic",
"vt": "str"
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"crontab": "",
"once": false,
"onceDelay": 0.1,
"topic": "",
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"z": "8eba06c2d561584a",
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"sqlquery": "msg.topic",
"sql": "INSERT INTO rhod_testing (LEVEL, PUMPONEAMPS)\nVALUES (msg.payload.P1amps,msg.payload.P2amps);\n",
"name": "Rhododendron SQlite",
"x": 740,
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"id": "cd718b1ffe8dd8f0",
"type": "function",
"z": "8eba06c2d561584a",
"name": "Rhododendron SQlite",
"func": "//compile msg to send to sqlite. add time in the first column. SqLite interprets \"current_timestamp and returns the correct time in the DB\"\n\nvar dbMsg = {\n \"topic\": \"INSERT INTO Rhododendron VALUES ( CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, \" + msg.payload[\"Pump 1 Amps\"] + \", \" + msg.payload[\"Pump 2 Amps\"] + \", \" + msg.payload[\"Pump 1 Hours\"] + \", \" + msg.payload[\"Pump 2 Hours\"] + \", \" + msg.payload[\"Water Level\"] + \")\"\n}\nreturn dbMsg;\n",
"outputs": 1,
"noerr": 0,
"initialize": "",
"finalize": "",
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"wires": [
"id": "a47db449e7205e14",
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I'm not sure why there is a difference since I can only see one flow but its seems like the all flows has more information.
I have searched and can't find anything about "ubidot" in either of these files.
Sorry, my node red server is running in a proxmox VM at the moment, and I can't copy/paste from that terminal. I should have ssh'ed for you.