You clearly are not using an editor with linting. As soon as I pasted your code from above into my editor it told me that you had a missing )
at the end of the on input.
After I fixed that, it told me that I was using the functions before they were defined. However, I ignored that and everything worked.
So I would say that your problem lies somewhere else, maybe your HTML file isn't well formed?
Here is an example using my own restructuring that also works - it has the name jktest3
so you should be able to rename everything to suite:
js file:
/** A simple template for defining custom nodes
* Destructured to make for easier and more consistent logic.
'use strict'
/** --- Type Defs ---
* @typedef {import('../typedefs.js').runtimeRED} runtimeRED
* @typedef {import('../typedefs.js').runtimeNodeConfig} runtimeNodeConfig
* @typedef {import('../typedefs.js').runtimeNode} runtimeNode
* typedef {import('../typedefs.js').myNode} myNode
//#region ----- Module level variables ---- //
/** Main (module) variables - acts as a configuration object
* that can easily be passed around.
const mod = {
/** @type {runtimeRED} Reference to the master RED instance */
RED: undefined,
/** @type {string} Custom Node Name - has to match with html file and package.json `red` section */
nodeName: 'jktest3',
// Add anything else here that you may wish
// to access from any function.
// Having one object also makes it much easier
// to pass this to external modules as needed.
//#endregion ----- Module level variables ---- //
//#region ----- Module-level support functions ----- //
/** 1a) Runs once when Node-RED (re)starts or when the node package is first added */
function moduleSetup() {
// As a module-level named function, it will inherit `mod` and other module-level variables
//const RED = mod.RED
console.log('>>>=[1a]=>>> [moduleSetup] Startng')
// Do stuff here that only needs doing once
// Don't forget to push anything that might be needed by other functions and modules
// into the `mod` variable so that it is easily accessible and can be passed on.
/** 3) Run whenever a node instance receives a new input msg
* NOTE: `this` context is still the parent (nodeInstance).
* See
* @param {object} msg The msg object received.
* @param {Function} send Per msg send function, node-red v1+
* @param {Function} done Per msg finish function, node-red v1+
function inputMsgHandler(msg, send, done) {
// As a module-level named function, it will inherit `mod` and other module-level variables
// If you need it - or just use mod.RED if you prefer:
//const RED = mod.RED
console.log('>>>=[3]=>>> [inputMsgHandler] Startng', msg) //, this)
/** 2) This is run when an actual instance of our node is committed to a flow
* @param {runtimeNodeConfig} config The Node-RED node instance config object
function nodeInstance(config) {
// As a module-level named function, it will inherit `mod` and other module-level variables
// If you need it - which you will here - or just use mod.RED if you prefer:
const RED = mod.RED
console.log('>>>=[2]=>>> [nodeInstance] Startng')
//console.log('>>>=[2a]=>>>', config)
// Create the node instance - `this` can only be referenced AFTER here
RED.nodes.createNode(this, config)
// Transfer config items from the Editor panel to the runtime =
this.topic = config.topic
/** Handle incoming msg's - note that the handler fn inherits `this`
* The inputMsgHandler function is executed every time this instance
* of the node receives a msg in a flow.
this.on('input', inputMsgHandler)
/** Put things here if you need to do anything when a node instance is removed
* Or if Node-RED is shutting down.
* Note the use of an arrow function, ensures that the function keeps the
* same `this` context and so has access to all of the node instance properties.
this.on('close', (removed, done) => {
console.log('>>>=[4]=>>> [nodeInstance:close] Closing. Removed?: ', removed)
// Give Node-RED a clue when you have finished (more important if your shutdown
// process includes an async task, make sure done() is executed when the async
// task completes, not when this function ends).
/** Properties of `this`
* Methods: updateWires(wires), context(), on(event,callback), emit(event,...args), removeListener(name,listener), removeAllListeners(name), close(removed)
* send(msg), receive(msg), log(msg), warn(msg), error(logMessage,msg), debug(msg), trace(msg), metric(eventname, msg, metricValue), status(status)
* Other: credentials, id, type, z, wires, x, y
* + any props added manually from config, typically at least name and topic
//console.log('>>>=[2b]=>>>', this)
//#endregion ----- Module-level support functions ----- //
/** 1) Complete module definition for our Node. This is where things actually start.
* @param {runtimeRED} RED The Node-RED runtime object
function Test3(RED) {
// As a module-level named function, it will inherit `mod` and other module-level variables
// Save a reference to the RED runtime for convenience
// This allows you to access it from any other function
// defined above.
mod.RED = RED
// Add function calls here for setup that only needs doing
// once. Node-RED loads this once no matter how many instances
// of you node you add to flows.
moduleSetup() // (1a)
// Register a new instance of the specified node type (2)
RED.nodes.registerType(mod.nodeName, nodeInstance)
// Export the module definition (1), this is consumed by Node-RED on startup.
module.exports = Test3
html file:
<script type="text/javascript">
(function () { // eslint-disable-line strict
'use strict' // eslint-disable-line strict
RED.nodes.registerType('jktest3', { // eslint-disable-line no-undef
category: 'Testing',
color: '#E6E0F8',
defaults: {
name: { value: '' },
topic: { value: '' },
inputs: 1,
inputLabels: 'Msg to send to front-end',
outputs: 1,
outputLabels: ['Data from front-end'],
icon: 'ui_template.png',
paletteLabel: 'jktest3',
label: function () { return || 'jktest3' },
}) // ---- End of registerType() ---- //
<script type="text/html" data-template-name="jktest3">
<div class="form-row">
<label for="node-input-name"><i class="fa fa-tag"></i> Name</label>
<input type="text" id="node-input-name">
<div class="form-row">
<label for="node-input-topic"><i class="fa fa-tasks"></i> Topic</label>
<input type="text" id="node-input-topic">