Hello everyone,
I am working on a Node-RED service project.
As much as I love developing in Node-RED, I've often encountered challenges when running it in the cloud, particularly due to the lackluster performance of lower-tier AWS services.
I’m developing a React-based website where users can manage their Node-RED service with features such as:
- Creating users/passwords
- Basic HTTPS authentication
- GitHub OAuth login
- Theme customization
- Multiplayer setup
- GitHub project integration
- Potentially other features — feel free to suggest any!
I want the service to include the following specifications:
- 1 vCPU
- 2 GB of RAM
- 10 GB of storage
- 5 available ports
- HTTPS endpoint
- Periodic backups
- Price: €5 / month
Is anyone here interested in participating in the exploration/development phase of this Node-RED service? You’d get free access to a cloud-hosted Node-RED instance for some time and, once a week, have a brief chat with me to provide feedback.