I'm using node-red as a snap and I'm finding some troubles installing some nodes from the Palette Manager.
The problem in this case is that node-red is not able to run 'git' (which is located in the host system outside the snap).
I know that this is a snap issue, but I was wondering if somebody has found the same problem and has some kind of workaround.
This is the log I get:
2022-11-21T08:41:09.846Z Install : @arduino/node-red-contrib-arduino-iot-cloud 1.0.7
2022-11-21T08:41:09.917Z npm install --no-audit --no-update-notifier --no-fund --save --save-prefix=~ --production --engine-strict @arduino/node-red-contrib-arduino-iot-cloud@1.0.7
2022-11-21T08:41:11.849Z [err] npm
2022-11-21T08:41:11.852Z [err]
2022-11-21T08:41:11.853Z [err] WARN
2022-11-21T08:41:11.853Z [err]
2022-11-21T08:41:11.854Z [err] config
2022-11-21T08:41:11.855Z [err] production Use `--omit=dev` instead.
2022-11-21T08:41:33.580Z [err] npm
2022-11-21T08:41:33.585Z [err]
2022-11-21T08:41:33.585Z [err] ERR!
2022-11-21T08:41:33.586Z [err]
2022-11-21T08:41:33.586Z [err] code
2022-11-21T08:41:33.587Z [err] ENOENT
2022-11-21T08:41:33.588Z [err] npm
2022-11-21T08:41:33.589Z [err]
2022-11-21T08:41:33.590Z [err] ERR!
2022-11-21T08:41:33.596Z [err]
2022-11-21T08:41:33.597Z [err] syscall
2022-11-21T08:41:33.597Z [err] spawn git
2022-11-21T08:41:33.598Z [err] npm
2022-11-21T08:41:33.599Z [err]
2022-11-21T08:41:33.599Z [err] ERR!
2022-11-21T08:41:33.600Z [err]
2022-11-21T08:41:33.600Z [err] path
2022-11-21T08:41:33.604Z [err] git
2022-11-21T08:41:33.604Z [err] npm ERR! errno -2
2022-11-21T08:41:33.615Z [err] npm
2022-11-21T08:41:33.615Z [err]
2022-11-21T08:41:33.616Z [err] ERR!
2022-11-21T08:41:33.616Z [err]
2022-11-21T08:41:33.617Z [err] enoent
2022-11-21T08:41:33.618Z [err] An unknown git error occurred
2022-11-21T08:41:33.618Z [err] npm
2022-11-21T08:41:33.619Z [err]
2022-11-21T08:41:33.619Z [err] ERR!
2022-11-21T08:41:33.620Z [err]
2022-11-21T08:41:33.625Z [err] enoent This is related to npm not being able to find a file.
2022-11-21T08:41:33.625Z [err] npm ERR! enoent
2022-11-21T08:41:33.628Z [err]
2022-11-21T08:41:33.630Z [err] npm
2022-11-21T08:41:33.630Z [err]
2022-11-21T08:41:33.632Z [err] ERR!
2022-11-21T08:41:33.635Z [err] A complete log of this run can be found in:
2022-11-21T08:41:33.635Z [err] npm ERR! /root/snap/node-red/838/.npm/_logs/2022-11-21T08_41_11_657Z-debug-0.log
2022-11-21T08:41:33.659Z rc=254