Node red - cannot install on windows 7?

Installation on windows 7 is not possible (installation proces stop).
Why since I can find this text on the Node Red page.

"This page gives specific instructions on setting up Node-RED in a Microsoft Windows environment. The instructions are specific to Windows 10 but should also work for Windows 7 and Windows Server from 2008R2. It is not advisable to use versions prior to Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008R2 due to lack of current support."

It works perfectly well on windows 7.

Did you follow the official instruction?

You should post the install log (contents of the terminal where you rand commands) so we can see what you did and where it stopped - there are often big clues - without it - we would be guessing as to your issue.

I have now downloaded an older version of Node-red and installed.
That works.
Node red is running on the windows 7 now.
Thank you for your reply.

Glad its working for you however It is a shame you couldnt post your install log (contents of the terminal where you ran commands) for the benefit of the community - there may be a bug that needs fixing - or a known issue (like using latest NPM v7 for example).

I will say though, latest version of node-red does work on windows 7.

I would seriously encourage you to NOT use Windows 7. It has more security holes than a down range target at the Marine Corps sniper training school. Microsoft has not provided 'critical' patches or vulnerability updates for Windows 7 for almost a year now. And stability and functionality updates as well as other security issues for several years now.

Hi classic,

I'm trying to download NodeRED in a 32bits windows7.

My installation proces also stops.

First, I try to download the 14.15.2 LTS (recommended for most users), and I also try to download the 12.20.0 with the same results.

Which nodeRED older version has you downloaded? Is your windows7 version a 64 bits version?

Any help would be appreciated.

Best regards,

Jaume CaƱas

I think the last x86 node.js version I saw was
Node-RED latest version should run on top of it

Hi dceejay,

The link you offer it's only for linux versions.
Searching for windows versions, I find the node_v12.16.3-win_x86 or the win_x86 items, but unfortunately, I don't succed: In both cases, an cmd windows open, telling: welcome to Node.js v12.16.3 Type ".help" for more information.

But no installation occurs.

First of all, I try to download the LTS version. The process ends by the window shown in the nodejsSetUp.png attached file.
Afterwards, I try to download v12.16.3 version. It opens the cmd window shown in the node.12.16.3.png attached file.

I also capture the windows 7 system information, in case it may be relevant!

What can I do? Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

Jaume caƱas

node.12.16.3|683x460 nodejsSetUp windows7


The node v12.16.3 cmd windows has not been uploaded. I try it again.

Best regards,

Jaume CaƱasnode.12.16.3

that's better

so hopefully you also have npm installed.
so you can (as an administrator) run npm i -g --unsafe-perm node-red
then with luck you can run node-red

Hi dceejay,

No luck at all...


Any other idea?


Jaume CaƱas

  1. Don't run npm from inside node.
  2. Have you restarted? The path might not be set (so CMD cannot find npm)

Open a CMD window and type path is node in there somewhere?


Is node actually installed? Looks like you are running node from your downloads folder.

Hi Steve,

I try to download and install the 12.20.0 version, and I succeed.

Thank you very much for your time.

Best regards,

Jaume CaƱas

you didnt really answer the questions.

Does this mean you are now fully working? or do you still need help?

Hi Steve,

First of all I wanted to be able to install the tool in a windows7 machine. This is where I succeeded. Soon I want to try to communicate through a Modbus channel ... it will be next year.



You really should NOT be using Windows 7 at all. That is just a simple fact, it is completely unsupported, end of life, and the number of vulnerabilities is extensive. It is not even safe to use behind a secured firewall, because any intrusion of any type will almost definitely attack and invade Windows 7. The number of zero-day and later exploits is a real issue.

I have 100+ customers running Win7 pro 32bit I've installed and configured in the last 1-5 years for them.

ALL those 200+ PCs are running daily without ANY problems in 8-23 or 0/24.

Also there are still ca. 10 PCs running Windows XP SP3 32 bit.

They had NO problems either since the last 15 years.

But I have 20 PCs with Win10 64bit (latest version):

  • Giving me EVERY EACH week or month headache.
    (Restart problems, access right troubles, Printer + network + GUI change +++ problems all the time)
  • All those super-new super-fast PC with Core i5 8GB ram are opening + running my 5MB pizzaprogram.exe 5-20x slower than a simple XP / Win7 with Core2duo + 2GB slow ram

So, in theory, you are right!
But the practice proves just the opposite. Daily.

Unless you have purchased extended support from MSFT, you have had no updates for over 12 months now on Windows 7 and nothing on XP since 2014.

That means that those devices are highly susceptible to malware and hacking. I'm afraid that I speak from bitter experience of trying to help tidy up a major international malware episode that was made worse in part due to outdated software. One where people could have and quite possibly did die because of it.

Please don't recommend them to people. There are enough problems in the world without adding hundreds more hacked and malware susceptible machines.

Also, it is hard enough for an open source project to keep current in maintenance as the same time as continuing to innovate. I'm afraid that I don't think that most of us care for precious resources being spent on trying to support outdated OS's no matter how well they might still work.

:astonished: how could you forget May 2017? that makes me wanna cry (see what I did there?)

Yes, sadly, I wont forget it - and that was just unintended consequences since the actual target was elsewhere. The Mersk worldwide network only survived because a single domain controller in Africa happened to be offline for maintenance when it happened. Without that, they would never have been able to recover.