Hello, trying to use node-red-contrib-cip-ethernet-ip. Can read the tags OK but they don't refresh if there is no change?. Is this the only way this node can run? I would like to read the tags every 15 minutes whether they have changed or not.
I can force an update by reading the time from the PLC but was just wondering if there was an option to 'read continuously'
A bigger issue now..... It doesn't read 'Strings'
Not necessarily a problem. If you can read the bytes then node-red-contrib-buffer-parser can reassemble the strings for you.
In fact, I almost always recommend the integrator reads as much data in one go as possible to limit the amount of polls to the PLC & use buffer parser to turn all of bytes into usable integers, floats, bools and strings.
Reading all data in one chunk mitigates consistency issues.
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