
@kevinGodell , do you happen to know if your mp4frag & ffmpeg-spawn nodes are expected to work on a Mac running macOS?

Best regards, Walter

Although I have never tried running node-red on anything but a raspberry pi, I have not used any code that should be operating system specific. So, yes, it should run on mac os.

OK, excellent! Yes, it seems the mac needs -r XX on the output of the ffmpeg command to work properly, to set the desired framrate of the output

I have another thing I would like to ask/discuss

Your ffmpeg-spawn is running continously and providing playlists. It is played nicely in my view (ui_template) without problems, currently I'm using the video.mp4. What I now need to do is to figure out how I can

  • take a snapshot
  • start/stop recording

I know the example flow you provided earlier where you had all variants included, that flow works fine but I have some issues in my setup

  • piping an image continuosly to pipe4 seems to add quite a lot to the cpu load so I really would like to aboid that, instead having some "better" method to capture a snapshot of what is currently shown in the view. I found the following link how to implement it all in the view but if there are simpler ways using nodes, well,,,or if I could send a command to the mp4frag node to take a snapshot...

  • for recording I think I can use what you have demonstrated, telling the related mp4frag node to start to write and then stop, just need to know the current playlist and then control the related node

Can you verify what input type and output types you want to use with ffmpeg? Also, what is the input and output resolution WxH and frame rate? macOS? More details will help me to give a better recommendation.

As inputs I would like to target rtsp cameras but since I do not have any, I have just used available m3u8 playlists as input. As output I currently use your video.mp4 playlist in ui_template views, this works fine. I have experimented with m3u8 as well but I did not reach my goal, at least not yet. The ui_template node view size is defined in a css definition, so the frames from the video source is kept/scaled to fit inside, frame rate 30 fps works also without problems, see image I sent to you, streaming RedBull in all views

The problem reported to me was a false alarm. Your nodes are working fine also on macOS. The testing was made with Safari that does not support mp4 streaming, that was the problem. With Chrome and FF it worked fine. I don't know if there is anything that can be done to support streaming of mp4 in Safari, some kind of add-on or so

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