Hi @hklages or anyone else that can help,
Background: I'm an old dinosaur on S1. I don't see myself upgrading to S2 as I was an early adopter of Sonos... 30% of a very big number is still a big number, if you know what I mean. I am not sure if this impacts any of my findings so far, but thought I'd share, just in case.
I have been playing around with node-red-contrib-sonos-plus and have managed to figure out how to get Spotify playlists to play... I have marked my Spotify playlists as Sonos favourites.
I have tested this and when I add new tracks to my Spotify playlist they add to the Sonos favourites link to that playlist, so, happy days. In fact, very happy days...
I notice in the wiki: https://github.com/hklages/node-red-contrib-sonos-plus/wiki, this note in the history log: 2019-12 COMPLETED Spotify functionality
I also notice lots of references to Spotify in the wiki e.g.
My Sonos Playlists:
- Spotify: Daily Mix 2, GloomySunday
However I have not found a way to access my Spotify anything directly, including playlist, unless I mark them as favourites; as mentioned above.
I'd love to directly reference my Spotify playlists, so I don't have to remember to mark them as favourites in Sonos and I'd also love to be able to search for Spotify songs via the Node.
Are these two things possible?