Node-red infinite loop

Due to my mistake, I find myself with node-red inaccessible.
This is what happens:

18 Nov 14:19:28 - [info] Node-RED version: v1.2.5
18 Nov 14:19:28 - [info] Node.js  version: v12.19.0
18 Nov 14:19:28 - [info] Linux 5.4.72-v7l+ arm LE
18 Nov 14:19:29 - [info] Loading palette nodes
18 Nov 14:19:30 - [warn] [] Deprecated use of "nodes-started" event from "/home/pi/.node-red/node_modules/node-red-contrib-actionflows/actionflows/actionflows.js:615:14". Use "flows:started" instead.
18 Nov 14:19:31 - [info] Dashboard version 2.23.4 started at /ui
18 Nov 14:19:32 - [info] Settings file  : /home/pi/.node-red/settings.js
18 Nov 14:19:32 - [info] HTTP Static    : /home/pi/static
18 Nov 14:19:32 - [info] Context store  : 'default' [module=memory]
18 Nov 14:19:32 - [info] User directory : /home/pi/.node-red
18 Nov 14:19:32 - [info] Server now running at
18 Nov 14:19:32 - [info] Active project : LRHome
18 Nov 14:19:32 - [info] Flows file     : /home/pi/.node-red/projects/LRHome/lrhome.json
18 Nov 14:19:32 - [info] Starting flows
18 Nov 14:19:32 - [error] [config:c29ecfbf.afc65] Error: Invalid property expression: zero-length
18 Nov 14:19:32 - [info] Started flows
18 Nov 14:19:32 - [info] [sqlitedb:b9c2c79a.f51318] opened /home/pi/LRHome.db ok
18 Nov 14:19:32 - [info] [mqtt-broker:mqtt@LRHome] Connected to broker: mqtt://
18 Nov 14:19:33 - [error] [function:865c2eb3.95e9b] [OK!] nE=0 LOC=mns_lgt ON=5 rtn=on
18 Nov 14:19:33 - [error] [function:865c2eb3.95e9b] [OK!] nE=0 LOC=mns_lgt ON=5 rtn=on
18 Nov 14:19:33 - [error] [function:865c2eb3.95e9b] [OK!] nE=0 LOC=mns_lgt ON=5 rtn=on
18 Nov 14:19:33 - [error] [function:865c2eb3.95e9b] [OK!] nE=0 LOC=ppn_lgt ON=1 rtn=on
18 Nov 14:19:33 - [error] [function:865c2eb3.95e9b] [OK!] nE=0 LOC=ppn_lgt ON=1 rtn=on
18 Nov 14:19:33 - [error] [function:865c2eb3.95e9b] [ERR] nE=0 LOC=_ ON=0 rtn=off
18 Nov 14:19:33 - [error] [function:865c2eb3.95e9b] [ERR] nE=0 LOC=_ ON=0 rtn=off
(...never end...)
18 Nov 14:31:23 - [error] [function:865c2eb3.95e9b] [ERR] nE=0 LOC=_ ON=0 rtn=off
18 Nov 14:31:23 - [error] [function:865c2eb3.95e9b] [ERR] nE=0 LOC=_ ON=0 rtn=off
18 Nov 14:31:23 - [error] [function:865c2eb3.95e9b] [ERR] nE=0 LOC=_ ON=0 rtn=off
18 Nov 14:31:23 - [error] [mqtt-broker:mqtt@LRHome] Error stopping node: Close timed out
18 Nov 14:31:23 - [info] Stopped flows

I found a reference to the function indicated in the log in the lrhome.json file:

        "id": "865c2eb3.95e9b",
        "type": "function",
        "z": "a46ce386.b7383",
        "name": "",
"wires": [

I tried to:

  • delete the included function, the one that generates the infinite loop
  • replace the json file
  • reboot the system

I was hoping to be able to recompile node red from the web, but it wasn't possible.

I replaced the json file with one from a few days ago. No changes.

Do you have a suggestion to get out of this impasse, excluding a Colt or a slipknot? :slight_smile:


If you restart Node-RED with the --safe command-line argument then it will load your flows without starting them. You can then edit them to remove the offending node(s) and hit deploy to start things up.

Grazie mille!!!!!!
thanks you!!!

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