the idea was to test the actual node.js LTS Version 22.11.0 . (since 10.2024). There is a deprication warning belonging to [DEP0040] DeprecationWarning: The punycode
module is deprecated. Please use a userland alternative instead. I know the recommended node.js version is 20.18.0 - I only want to test 22. Currently everything works fine. What is the idea to switch to v22.
thx Roland
ps. please see it as a general question it is not a problem
I believe that the convention is that node red will always support current LTS versions of nodejs, so the node red core should support it. If you find a problem with a node using an LTS version then it is a good idea to submit an issue against the node so that it can be considered.
Which reminds me that I need to check my nodes against 22.
Hi Collin,
thx for your reply, I will do that. I was uncertain to address this point. Good luck with your nodes, I think you have some. kind regards
Note - that node depends on an underlying library node-prowl that hasn't been updated for 5 years - which is where the dependency giving the warning resides. So it is fairly unlikely to get fixed. However currently it is just a warning so as long as it still works for you then carry on.
Yes everything works, the main reason was to get a statement concerning the new LTS version. Thx
node-red-node-prowl was a node released by the Node-RED team alongside the main project (part of node-red-nodes) - there is no "official" statement for any of the side projects regarding support other than best can do, with support from the community, etc... If any underlying library gets abandoned we are not in a position to take them over, best we can do is hope there is a drop in replacement or suitable replacement, that we could possibly move to without much effort. Other than that it's on an as and when basis (ie bottom of a very long list of priorities ) or down to the community to help out.
Of course if you can persuade the node-prowl project to fix the library then it would be easy to pickup. Having said that prowl itself seem like it was last updated over 10 years ago... Prowl - API so there are probably better alternatives all round.
Node-RED itself (the core) will of course support Node 22 - and we will recommend that as and when we think it doesn't cause too many panic warnings like above
(and of course Node 20 LTS is supported until April 2026 so ...)
Thx for your hint, i switch to pushover, all fine. That was a good hint. I hope the panic warning was not so hard on sunday
I only want to understand your strategy against LTS Versions. You are right 20 LTS is supported but there are certainly reasons to use a newer version.
There certainly are - for example continuing down the road of converting from CommonJS to ESM modules - something almost impossible for Node-RED so far since Node.js has not had proper cross-module support. This is finally starting to appear though.
You should note, of course, that Node-RED itself though is pinned to a baseline version of Node.js. Contributed Nodes and Node-RED core should not use new features from later versions than the baseline.
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