Node.js and Node-Red versions

Hello every one,
I was testing the communication between Node-Red and PLCs Siemens S7-1215C in OPCUA.
I have tested two PLCs: one produced in 2018 and one produced in 2022.
Node-Red version is 4.0.8.
Below my tests:

  • With Node.js v. 22.13.1 and both PLCs the connection doesn't work
  • With Node.js v. 20.18.2 and both PLCs the connection works.

I saw that Node-Red reccomends to use version 20 of Node.js in the date 20th of June 2024 and it is going to be updated till April 2026. Ref. Version 4.0 released : Node-RED

Is it correct that my tests are not working or there is a problem?
I'm a little terrified that after April 2026 I need to install the new Node.js and Node-Red for new components and the new version doesn't work or/and it is not backward compatible.
What are your thoughts?
Thank you

The solution to this is to raise an issue against the PLC node you are using. Include all the information you can and be prepared to test and gather more data if needed.

This means that the author of the node has until April 2026 to ensure it will work nicely with NodeJS v22 when support for v20 runs out. Hopefully they will get it fixed much sooner,

This is the reason there is relatively large overlaps for what are known as LTS (Long Term Support, yeah I know "Long" is relative, in the software world 2+ years is huge, in the hardware world it's a blink of an eye....) releases to allow people to update software to work with the things that have changed between major version numbers (magor.minor.patch, see semantic versioning)