Nodejs and npm upgrade issue in the opcua package

Previously i was sending over someone data with the OPCUA-IIoT-Flex-Server contained in the node-red-contrib-lativ content package

I couldn't install this package after update

I get errors shown below

incompatible with your node/npm version: node-red-contrib-lativ@1.0.3

ERR! notsup Actual: {"npm":"8.5.0","node":"v16.14.2"}

How do i resolve this problem

last state of used intallation

Node-red = v2.2.2
nodejs = v17.7.1
npm = 6.14.16

Best regards

Drop your nodesjs version back to node16

I was try this command.

#sudo npm install -g n

#sudo n 16.14.2

Resul is same:(


2022-03-21T06:55:28.684Z [err] npm ERR! engine Unsupported engine
2022-03-21T06:55:28.684Z [err] npm ERR! engine Not compatible with your version of node/npm: node-red-contrib-lativ@1.0.3
2022-03-21T06:55:28.684Z [err] npm ERR! notsup Not compatible with your version of node/npm: node-red-contrib-lativ@1.0.3
2022-03-21T06:55:28.684Z [err] npm ERR! notsup Required: {"node":"8.x || 10.x"}
2022-03-21T06:55:28.684Z [err] npm ERR! notsup Actual: {"npm":"8.5.0","node":"v16.14.2"}


I review supported node version

Requried node version 8.x || 10.x not compatible with 2.2.2

Oh crikey. I see from that error it is wanting node 8 or 10. They are both well out of support so really you need to contact the owner of that node to see if they will update it. If not then I’d suggest not using it rather than going back to node 10.

There are other Opcua nodes available

Unfortunately, this package has no repo on github and its github link points to biancode/node-red-contrib-iiot-opcua

biancode took down "biancode/node-red-contrib-iiot-opcua" package sometime back (cant remember reason why now but it is now gone)

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