Node-RED on AWS Elastic Beanstalk - unable to install new nodes, getting npm permissions error

Howdy folks!

I have an install of Node-RED running on Elastic Beanstalk, which I did following toconuts' tutorial linked below:

However, when I try to install new nodes via "Manage palette," the install fails with OS-level npm permission errors (as shown in log except below).

I tried getting around this by updating package.json with the nodes that I require, but when I deploy this as a new app version, the nodes do not appear (presumably because package.json is not being reloaded for some reason? -- probably a separate issue)

I have been working with AWS dev support on this issue, but so far they are under the impression that this is an application-level issue and therefore out of their scope --

Any and all insights / guidance y'all might have on this topic will be much appreciated!


excerpts from the error log showing typical error below :

1:40:59.630Z [err] errno
2020-08-26T21:40:59.630Z [err] -13
2020-08-26T21:40:59.630Z [err] npm
2020-08-26T21:40:59.630Z [err]
2020-08-26T21:40:59.630Z [err] ERR!
2020-08-26T21:40:59.630Z [err]
2020-08-26T21:40:59.630Z [err] syscall
2020-08-26T21:40:59.630Z [err] access
2020-08-26T21:40:59.631Z [err] npm
2020-08-26T21:40:59.631Z [err]
2020-08-26T21:40:59.632Z [err] ERR!
2020-08-26T21:40:59.632Z [err] Error: EACCES: permission denied, access '/var/app/current/node_modules/node-red'
2020-08-26T21:40:59.632Z [err] npm
2020-08-26T21:40:59.632Z [err]
2020-08-26T21:40:59.632Z [err] ERR!
2020-08-26T21:40:59.632Z [err] [Error: EACCES: permission denied, access '/var/app/current/node_modules/node-red'] {
2020-08-26T21:40:59.632Z [err] npm
2020-08-26T21:40:59.632Z [err]
2020-08-26T21:40:59.632Z [err] ERR!
2020-08-26T21:40:59.632Z [err] stack: "Error: EACCES: permission denied, access '/var/app/current/node_modules/node-red'",

You should open an issue with toconut on GitHub.

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