Node Red Pallete

Hi Team,
I am new to Nodered, and I need a few clarifications related to Palette.
I am seeing issues related to palette usage. I downloaded a palette related to SQL on the development server, and the palette at that time was using the Node 16 version. When I moved to production, the palette was failing because it was expecting the Node 18 version and no longer supporting the Node 16 version. My question to the team is: how can we avoid this kind of situation? This might be a similar situation.

Each palette requires a minimum version of Node.js.

The reason for your issue is that v16 is at end of life.

To resolve your issue, install the "correct" version, it is recommended to install 20 (or 18 - end of life 04/25)

Thanks for your reply Gogo Vega, I can't update as it is on Production. Upgrade of node version has dependencies with other products installed on the produciton environment.

So, you can ignore the Node.js version by manually installing it in your node-red directory:

npm i my-sql@latest --ignore-engines

Difficult to say if it will break anything in your SQL palette.

Note: change my-sql by yours

Make sure your development and production systems are using the same toolset.

What node is it that will not work with nodejs 16?

To check whether a node is actively maintained look at its github repository (which should be linked from the node red flows site) and check whether there are unaddressed open issues.

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