Node-red-reload not always showing Welcome message

Running NR 3.0.1 with nodejs 16.16.0 on Ubuntu, installed using the Pi install script from the docs.
When I run
to restart node-red, sometimes the start of the node red log is missing. So I see

~/.node-red$ node-red-reload
Stop Node-RED
Use   node-red-start   to start Node-RED again
[sudo] password for xxx: 

Start Node-RED
Once Node-RED has started, point a browser at
On Pi Node-RED works better with the Firefox or Chrome browser
Use   node-red-stop                          to stop Node-RED
Use   node-red-start                         to start Node-RED again
Use   node-red-log                           to view the recent log output
Use   sudo systemctl enable nodered.service  to autostart Node-RED at every boot
Use   sudo systemctl disable nodered.service to disable autostart on boot
To find more nodes and example flows - go to
Starting as a systemd service.
23 Jul 16:41:04 - [info] Loading palette nodes
23 Jul 16:41:05 - [info] Dashboard version 3.1.7 started at /ui

instead of

~/.node-red$ node-red-reload
Stop Node-RED
Use   node-red-start   to start Node-RED again

Start Node-RED
Once Node-RED has started, point a browser at
On Pi Node-RED works better with the Firefox or Chrome browser
Use   node-red-stop                          to stop Node-RED
Use   node-red-start                         to start Node-RED again
Use   node-red-log                           to view the recent log output
Use   sudo systemctl enable nodered.service  to autostart Node-RED at every boot
Use   sudo systemctl disable nodered.service to disable autostart on boot
To find more nodes and example flows - go to
Starting as a systemd service.
23 Jul 16:45:00 - [info]
Welcome to Node-RED
23 Jul 16:45:00 - [info] Node-RED version: v3.0.1
23 Jul 16:45:00 - [info] Node.js  version: v16.16.0
23 Jul 16:45:00 - [info] Linux 5.4.0-122-generic x64 LE
23 Jul 16:45:01 - [info] Loading palette nodes
23 Jul 16:45:01 - [info] Dashboard version 3.1.7 started at /ui

In the first case the Welcome to node-RED and the following few lines are missing.
In particular, it seems to the first time I run the command the lines are missing, but if I do it again they are there.

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